Let's now run our own version of the code on a Jupyter Notebook. We can start up own own Jupyter Notebook and load the Section_1-Tensorflow_Image_Captioning.ipynb file from the GitHub repository (https://github.com/PacktPublishing/Computer-Vision-Projects-with-OpenCV-and-Python-3/blob/master/Chapter01/Section_1-Tensorflow_Image_Captioning.ipynb).
Once we load the file on a Jupyter Notebook, it will look something like this:

In the first part, we are going to load some essential libraries, including math, os, and tensorflow. We will also use our handy utility function, %pylab inline, to easily read and display images within the Notebook.
Select the first code block:
# load essential libraries
import math
import os
import tensorflow as tf
%pylab inline
When we hit Ctrl + Enter to execute the code in the cell, we will get the following output...