In this section, we will talk about getting data from SQLite3 into Haskell. We're going to understand the basic types within SQLite3 and their Haskell counterparts. We're also going to be installing the necessary software in order to get Haskell and SQLite3 to communicate with each other, and we're going to be writing a few SELECT queries within Haskell.
There are a few different data types in SQLite3 with their Haskell counterparts:

The four primary types are INTEGER, REAL, TEXT, and BLOB; TEXT and BLOB are almost the same types. One is for raw data and the other is for string data, but we can interpret both of those in Haskell as String. INTEGER corresponds to Integer; REAL corresponds to Decimal. There is a fifth type in SQLite3 called NUMERIC, which is adaptive and is treated as an integer with INTEGER data and a real with...