In forward-propagation, we connected the input layer to the hidden layer to the output layer. In back-propagation, we take the reverse approach.

Neural Networks with Keras Cookbook
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In forward-propagation, we connected the input layer to the hidden layer to the output layer. In back-propagation, we take the reverse approach.
We change each weight within the neural network by a small amount – one at a time. A change in the weight value will have an impact on the final loss value (either increasing or decreasing loss). We'll update the weight in the direction of decreasing loss.
Additionally, in some scenarios, for a small change in weight, the error increases/decreases considerably, while in some cases the error decreases by a small amount.
By updating the weights by a small amount and measuring the change in error that the update in weights leads to, we are able to do the following:
Before implementing back-propagation, let's understand one additional detail of neural networks: the learning rate.
Intuitively, the learning rate helps us to build trust in the algorithm. For example, when deciding on the magnitude of the weight update, we would potentially not change it by a huge amount in one go, but take a more careful approach in updating the weights more slowly.
This results in obtaining stability in our model; we will look at how the learning rate helps with stability in the next chapter.
The whole process by which we update weights to reduce error is called a gradient-descent technique.
Stochastic gradient descent is the means by which error is minimized in the preceding scenario. More intuitively, gradient stands for difference (which is the difference between actual and predicted) and descent means reduce. Stochastic stands for the selection of number of random samples based on which a decision is taken.
Apart from stochastic gradient descent, there are many other optimization techniques that help to optimize for the loss values; the different optimization techniques will be discussed in the next chapter.
Back-propagation works as follows:
If the preceding steps are performed n number of times, it essentially results in n epochs.
In order to further cement our understanding of back-propagation in neural networks, let's start with a known function and see how the weights could be derived:
For now, we will have the known function as y = 2x, where we try to come up with the weight value and bias value, which are 2 and 0 in this specific case:
x |
y |
1 |
2 |
2 |
4 |
3 |
6 |
4 |
8 |
If we formulate the preceding dataset as a linear regression, (y = a*x+b), where we are trying to calculate the values of a and b (which we already know are 2 and 0, but are checking how those values are obtained using gradient descent), let's randomly initialize the a and b parameters to values of 1.477 and 0 (the ideal values of which are 2 and 0).
In this section, we will build the back-propagation algorithm by hand so that we clearly understand how weights are calculated in a neural network. In this specific case, we will build a simple neural network where there is no hidden layer (thus we are solving a regression equation). The code file is available as Neural_network_working_details.ipynb in GitHub.
x = [[1],[2],[3],[4]]
y = [[2],[4],[6],[8]]
w = [[[1.477867]], [0.]]
import numpy as np
def feed_forward(inputs, outputs, weights):
out =,weights[0]) + weights[1]
squared_error = (np.square(out - outputs))
return squared_error
In the preceding code, we performed a matrix multiplication of the input with the randomly-initialized weight value and summed it up with the randomly-initialized bias value.
Once the value is calculated, we calculate the squared error value of the difference between the actual and predicted values.
If the squared error loss value decreases as the weight increases, the weight value should be increased. The magnitude by which the weight value should be increased is proportional to the amount of loss value the weight change decreases by.
Additionally, ensure that you do not increase the weight value as much as the loss decrease caused by the weight change, but weigh it down with a factor called the learning rate. This ensures that the loss decreases more smoothly (there's more on how the learning rate impacts the model accuracy in the next chapter).
In the following code, we are creating a function named update_weights, which performs the back-propagation process to update weights that were obtained in step 3. We are also mentioning that the function needs to be run for epochs number of times (where epochs is a parameter we are passing to update_weights function):
def update_weights(inputs, outputs, weights, epochs):
for epoch in range(epochs):
org_loss = feed_forward(inputs, outputs, weights)
wts_tmp = deepcopy(weights)
wts_tmp2 = deepcopy(weights)
for i in range(len(weights)):
wts_tmp[-(i+1)] += 0.0001
loss = feed_forward(inputs, outputs, wts_tmp)
delta_loss = np.sum(org_loss - loss)/(0.0001*len(inputs))
wts_tmp2[-(i+1)] += delta_loss*0.01
wts_tmp = deepcopy(weights)
weights = deepcopy(wts_tmp2)
return wts_tmp2
One of the other parameters in a neural network is the batch size considered in calculating the loss values.
In the preceding scenario, we considered all the data points in order to calculate the loss value. However, in practice, when we have thousands (or in some cases, millions) of data points, the incremental contribution of a greater number of data points while calculating loss value would follow the law of diminishing returns and hence we would be using a batch size that is much smaller compared to the total number of data points we have.
The typical batch size considered in building a model is anywhere between 32 and 1,024.
In the previous section, we built a regression formula (Y = a*x + b) where we wrote a function to identify the optimal values of a and b. In this section, we will build a simple neural network with a hidden layer that connects the input to the output on the same toy dataset that we worked on in the previous section.
We define the model as follows (the code file is available as Neural_networks_multiple_layers.ipynb in GitHub):
Let us go ahead and code up the strategy discussed above, as follows:
from copy import deepcopy
import numpy as np
x = [[1],[2],[3],[4]]
y = [[2],[4],[6],[8]]
We use deepcopy so that the value of the original variable does not change when the variable to which the original variable's values are copied has its values changed.
Additionally, the final layer has one unit that is connected to the three units of the hidden layer. Hence, a total of three weights and one bias dictate the value of the output layer.
The randomly-initialized weights are as follows:
w = [[[-0.82203424, -0.9185806 , 0.03494298]], [0., 0., 0.], [[ 1.0692896 ],[ 0.62761235],[-0.5426246 ]], [0]]
def feed_forward(inputs, outputs, weights):
pre_hidden =,weights[0])+ weights[1]
hidden = np.where(pre_hidden<0, 0, pre_hidden)
out =, weights[2]) + weights[3]
squared_error = (np.square(out - outputs))
return squared_error
In the following code, we are calculating the original loss at the start of an epoch:
def update_weights(inputs, outputs, weights, epochs):
for epoch in range(epochs):
org_loss = feed_forward(inputs, outputs, weights)
In the following code, we are copying weights into two sets of weight variables so that they can be reused in a later code:
wts_new = deepcopy(weights)
wts_new2 = deepcopy(weights)
In the following code, we are updating each weight value by a small amount and then calculating the loss value corresponding to the updated weight value (while every other weight is kept unchanged). Additionally, we are ensuring that the weight update happens across all weights and also across all layers in a network.
The change in the squared loss (del_loss) is attributed to the change in the weight value. We repeat the preceding step for all the weights that exist in the network:
for i, layer in enumerate(reversed(weights)):
for index, weight in np.ndenumerate(layer):
wts_tmp[-(i+1)][index] += 0.0001
loss = feed_forward(inputs, outputs, wts_tmp)
del_loss = np.sum(org_loss - loss)/(0.0001*len(inputs))
The weight value is updated by weighing down by the learning rate parameter – a greater decrease in loss will update weights by a lot, while a lower decrease in loss will update the weight by a small amount:
wts_tmp2[-(i+1)][index] += del_loss*0.01
wts_tmp = deepcopy(weights)
Finally, we return the updated weights:
weights = deepcopy(wts_tmp2)
return wts_tmp2
The output (updated weights) of preceding code is as follows:
In the preceding steps, we learned how to build a neural network from scratch in Python. In the next section, we will learn about building a neural network in Keras.
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