Neovim and its installation instructions are available from GitHub at You can either download the binary, or install it through one of the package managers. The installation instructions are rather detailed, and may change rather quickly, so you should give them a read at
If you are working on Debian based Linux distribution, you can install Neovim by running: $ sudo apt-get install neovim and $ Python3 -m pip install neovim to add Python3 to support neovim.
If you are working on Debian based Linux distribution, you can install Neovim by running: $ sudo apt-get install neovim and $ Python3 -m pip install neovim to add Python3 to support neovim.
Once you install Neovim, it's available through the nvim command:
$ nvim
You're greeted by a screen similar to a vanilla Vim intro screen:

All of the commands familiar to you from Vim will work, and Neovim uses the same configuration format as Vim. However, your .vimrc is not picked up automatically...