PySpark Cookbook
By :

In order to build a machine learning model, we need data. Thus, before we start, we need to read some data. In this recipe, and throughout this chapter, we will be using the 1994 census income data.
To execute this recipe, you need to have a working Spark environment. If you do not have one, you might want to go back to Chapter 1, Installing and Configuring Spark and follow the recipes you will find there.
The dataset was sourced from http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/Census+Income.
The dataset is located in the data
folder in the GitHub repository for the book.
All the code that you will need in this chapter can be found in the GitHub repository we set up for the book: http://bit.ly/2ArlBck; go to Chapter05
and open the 5. Machine Learning with MLlib.ipynb
No other prerequisites are required.
We will read the data into a DataFrame so it is easier for us to work with. Later on, we will convert it into an RDD of labeled points....