Python Machine Learning, Second Edition
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We've mentioned class imbalances several times throughout this chapter, and yet we haven't actually discussed how to deal with such scenarios appropriately if they occur. Class imbalance is a quite common problem when working with real-world data—samples from one class or multiple classes are over-represented in a dataset. Intuitively, we can think of several domains where this may occur, such as spam filtering, fraud detection, or screening for diseases.
Imagine the breast cancer dataset that we've been working with in this chapter consisted of 90 percent healthy patients. In this case, we could achieve 90 percent accuracy on the test dataset by just predicting the majority class (benign tumor) for all samples, without the help of a supervised machine learning algorithm. Thus, training a model on such a dataset that achieves approximately 90 percent test accuracy would mean our model hasn't learned anything useful from the features provided in this dataset.