Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition 12c
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As you can see in the final screenshot, we have covered a lot of ground in this chapter. This will be enough to get a developer going on any project, yet we hope that this material has opened your eyes to the vast amount of development options within the RPD, and also the massive scope for you to gather further experience and knowledge. Be patient. Learning new functionality and skills takes time to sink in. Also, some of the topics covered in this chapter, for example, variables, will make a lot more comprehensive and cohesive sense once we show you how to make dashboards and reports and use those objects.
In summary, we went through setting up a new project from importing physical tables to adding extensive business logic, and then through to configuring the presentation for our end users. We created advanced objects, adding layer upon layer of complexity, each time iterating and building upon a previous piece of development. Again, don't be overawed by the amount of options...