Learning Hadoop 2
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Until version 2, Hadoop was primarily a batch system. As we saw in previous chapters, MapReduce jobs tend to have high latency and overhead derived from submission and scheduling. Internally, Hive compiles HiveQL statements into MapReduce jobs. Hive queries have traditionally been characterized by high latency. This has changed with the Stinger initiative and the improvements introduced in Hive 0.13 that we will discuss later.
Hive runs as a client application that processes HiveQL queries, converts them into MapReduce jobs, and submits these to a Hadoop cluster either to native MapReduce in Hadoop 1 or to the MapReduce Application Master running on YARN in Hadoop 2.
Regardless of the model, Hive uses a component called the metastore, in which it holds all its metadata about the tables defined in the system. Ironically, this is stored in a relational database dedicated to Hive's usage. In the earliest versions of Hive, all clients communicated directly with the metastore...