Kubernetes and Docker - An Enterprise Guide
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You may have experienced a conversation like this at your office or school:
Developer: "Here's the new application. It went through weeks of testing and you are the first to get the new release."
….. A little while later ….
User: "It's not working. When I click the submit button, it shows an error about a missing dependency."
Developer: "That's weird; it's working fine on my machine."
This is one of the most frustrating things a developer can encounter when delivering an application. Often, the issues that creep up are related to a library that the developer had on their machine, but it wasn't included in the distribution of the package. It may seem like an easy fix for this would be to include all the libraries alongside the release, but what if this release contains a newer library that overwrites the older version, which may be required for a different application?
Developers need to consider their new releases, as well as any potential conflicts with any existing software on the user's workstations. This often becomes a careful balancing act that requires larger deployment teams to test the application on different system configurations. It can also lead to additional rework for the developer or, in some extreme cases, full incompatibility with an existing application.
There have been various attempts to make application delivery easier over the years. First, there are solutions such as VMware's Thinapp, which virtualize san application (not to be confused with virtualizing an operating system). It allows you to package the application and its dependencies into a single executable package. This packaging eliminates the issues of an application's dependencies conflicting with another application's dependencies since the application is in a self-contained package. This provided application isolation not only eliminates dependency issues but also provides an enhanced level of security and eases the burden of operating system migrations.
You may or may not have heard of application streaming before reading this book. It sounds like a great solution to the "it worked on my machine" issue. There are many reasons it hasn't taken off as expected, though. For starters, most offerings are paid solutions that require a substantial investment. Besides licensing, they require a "clean PC," which means that for every application you want to virtualize, you need to start with a base system. The package you want to create uses the differences between the base installation and anything that was added after the initial system snapshot. The differences are then packaged into your distribution file, which can be executed on any workstation.
We've mentioned application virtualization to highlight that application issues such as "It works on my machine" have had different solutions over the years. Products such as Thinapp are just one attempt at solving the problem. Other attempts include running the application on a server running Citrix or Remote Desktop, Linux containers, and even virtual machines.
The industry and even end users needed something that was easier and cheaper – enter Docker containers. Containers are not a new technology; they have been used in various forms for years. What Docker did was make them accessible to the average developer.
Docker brought an abstraction layer to the masses. It was easy to use and didn't require a clean PC for every application before creating a package, thus offering a solution for dependency issues, but most attractive of all, it was free. Docker became a standard for many projects on GitHub, where teams would often create a Docker container and distribute the Docker image or Dockerfile to team members, providing a standard testing or development environment. This adoption by end users is what eventually brought Docker to the enterprise and, ultimately, what made it the standard it has become today.
While there are many books on Docker, this book focuses on the base topics of Docker that are used to interact with containers. This book will be focusing on what you will need to know when trying to use a local Kubernetes environment. There is a long and interesting history of Docker and how it evolved into the standard container image format that we use today. We encourage you to read about the company and how they ushered in the container world we know today.
While our focus is not to teach Docker inside-out, we felt that those of you who are new to Docker would benefit from a quick primer on general container concepts. If you have some Docker experience and understand terminology such as ephemeral and stateless, feel free to continue to the Installing Docker section.