Continuous Delivery with Docker and Jenkins, 3rd Edition
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We can extend the three classic steps of continuous integration with additional steps. The most popular are code coverage and static analysis. Let's look at each of them.
Think about the following scenario: you have a well-configured continuous integration process; however, nobody in your project writes unit tests. It passes all the builds, but it doesn't mean that the code is working as expected. What do we do then? How do we ensure that the code is tested?
The solution is to add a code coverage tool that runs all tests and verifies which parts of the code have been executed. Then, it can create a report that shows the untested sections. Moreover, we can make the build fail when there is too much untested code.
There are a lot of tools available to perform the test coverage analysis; for Java, the most popular are JaCoCo, OpenClover, and Cobertura.
Let's use JaCoCo and show how...