Mastering Ansible, 4th Edition
By :

a) It forms part of Ansible's configuration management database.
b) It is used to audit your servers.
c) It tells Ansible which servers to perform automation tasks on.
d) None of the above.
a) True – this is the only way to do it.
b) False – dynamic inventories were invented for precisely this purpose.
a) In alphabetical order
b) In lexicographical order
c) In random order
d) In the order in which they appear in the inventory
a) In the order in which they are written, but each task must be completed on all inventory hosts before the next is executed.
b) In the most optimal order.
c) In the order in which they are written but only on one inventory host at a time.
d) Something else.
a) Inventory variables
b) Extra variables (from the command line)
c) Role defaults
d) Variables source via vars_prompt
a) Special variables
b) Runtime variables
c) Magic variables
d) User variables
a) A lookup plugin
b) A lookup module
c) A lookup executable
d) A lookup role
b) RabbitMQ
c) RSH
d) SSH
a) Define unique data for each host or group of hosts in an inventory.
b) Declare your playbook variables.
c) Define connection parameters for your inventory hosts.
d) Both (a) and (c).
a) By creating an Ansible configuration file in any location, and using the ANSIBLE_CFG
environment variable to specify this location.
b) By creating a file called ansible.cfg
in the current working directory.
c) By creating a file in your home directory called ~/.ansible.cfg
d) Any of the above.