Practical Cloud-Native Java Development with MicroProfile
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Before diving into the specifics of the IBM Stock Trader operator, let's step back for a bit and consider what operators do and why they are a good thing. To do so, it's important to recall from Chapter 7, MicroProfile Ecosystem with Open Liberty, Docker, and Kubernetes, that Kubernetes defines a model where there are several built-in object types, such as Deployments, Services, Ingresses, ConfigMaps, and Secrets. In the true object-oriented philosophy, such objects not only have data but have behavior; it is the operators' job to participate in and guide the full Create, Retrieve, Update, and Delete (CRUD) life cycle of the objects they manage.
One key point is that Kubernetes not only has its built-in objects, but also has an extensibility model where vendors can add to that vocabulary, defining additional types of objects and how they should act in the Kubernetes environment. Kubernetes calls this a CustomResourceDefinition ...