Network Automation with Go
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Every chapter of this book includes Go code examples to illustrate some points we make in the text. You can find all these Go programs in this book’s GitHub repository (see the Further reading section of this chapter). While you don’t have to execute them all, we believe that manually running the code and observing the result may help reinforce the learned material and explain the finer details.
The first part of this book, Chapters 1 to 5, includes relatively short code examples you can run in the Go Playground (Further reading) or on any computer with Go installed. For instructions on how to install Go, you can refer to Chapter 1 or follow the official download and installation procedure (Further reading).
The rest of the book, starting from Chapter 6, assumes you can interact with a virtual topology, which we run in containers with the help of containerlab
(Further reading). This Appendix documents the process of building...