Cisco Certified CyberOps Associate 200-201 Certification Guide
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Threat actors are creating more sophisticated attacks and threats to compromise large organizations while going undetected. There are many syndicate hacking groups and cyber armies that are working around the clock to create Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs). The objective of APTs is to infiltrate a network while evading any threat detection security solutions and remaining persistent. The threat actors use APTs to gather intelligence and exfiltrate data from their target organizations.
While APTs are very sophisticated, threat actors are also creating crypto-malware and ransomware. Crypto-malware is designed to encrypt the data on a system while leaving the user unable to access or even decrypt their files. Ransomware is a type of crypto-malware that is also designed to encrypt all the data on a victim's devices, except the operating system. Once a system is infected with ransomware, the most valuable asset (data) is held hostage and...