Simplifying Service Management with Consul
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Way back in Chapter 5, Little Bo Peep Lost Her Service, where Little Bo Peep lost her service, we touched on the functionality of Consul watches and handlers. Recall that a Consul watch observes any number of parameters within Consul, and based on value changes, can execute a handler to perform some function. Within Chapter 5, Little Bo Peep Lost Her Service, we focused on being able to watch the status of a service, in order to inform a third party about service health. We can use this same functionality, but instead of watching service status, we can watch the status of a parameter within the KV store.
For example, if we wanted to watch our key, using the direct command line, we would execute the following:
$ consul watch -type=key -key=son/seventh/gift { "Key": "son/seventh/gift", "CreateIndex": 194, "ModifyIndex": 237, &...