We can use the bash built-in command let for performing arithmetic operations.
To get more information about let, type the following:
$ help let
This should produce the following output of this command:

Let's start using the let command:
$ value=6 $ let value=value+1 $ echo $value 7 $ let "value=value+4" $ echo $value 11 $ let "value+=1" #above expression evaluates as value=value+1 $ echo $value 12
A summary of operators available with the let command follows:
- Operation: Operator
- Unary minus: -
- Unary plus: +
- Logical NOT: !
- Bitwise NOT (negation): ~
- Multiply: *
- Divide: /
- Remainder: %
- Subtract: -
- Add: +
Prior to Bash 2.x, the following operators were not available:
- Bitwise left shift: <<
- Bitwise right shift: >>
- Equal to and not equal to: ==, !=
- Comparison...