- What is the way to connect to an FTP server using the ftplib module through the connect() and login() methods?
- What method of the ftplib module allows it to list the files of an FTP server?
- What method of the Paramiko module allows us to connect to an SSH server and with what parameters (host, username, password)?
- What method of the Paramiko module allows us to open a session to be able to execute commands subsequently?
- What is the way to log in against an SSH server with an RSA certificate from which we know your route and password?
- What is the main class of the PySNMP module that allows queries on SNMP agents?
- What is the instruction to inform Paramiko to accept server keys for the first time without interrupting the session or prompting the user?
- What is the way to connect to an SSH server through the Transport() method that provides another type of object to authenticate...

Mastering Python for Networking and Security
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Mastering Python for Networking and Security
Overview of this book
It’s becoming more and more apparent that security is a critical aspect of IT infrastructure. A data breach is a major security incident, usually carried out by just hacking a simple network line. Increasing your network’s security helps step up your defenses against cyber attacks. Meanwhile, Python is being used for increasingly advanced tasks, with the latest update introducing many new packages. This book focuses on leveraging these updated packages to build a secure network with the help of Python scripting.
This book covers topics from building a network to the different procedures you need to follow to secure it. You’ll first be introduced to different packages and libraries, before moving on to different ways to build a network with the help of Python scripting. Later, you will learn how to check a network’s vulnerability using Python security scripting, and understand how to check vulnerabilities in your network. As you progress through the chapters, you will also learn how to achieve endpoint protection by leveraging Python packages along with writing forensic scripts. By the end of this book, you will be able to get the most out of the Python language to build secure and robust networks that are resilient to attacks.
Table of Contents (16 chapters)
Working with Python Scripting
System Programming Packages
Socket Programming
HTTP Programming
Analyzing Network Traffic
Gathering Information from Servers
Interacting with FTP, SSH, and SNMP Servers
Working with Nmap Scanners
Connecting with the Metasploit Framework
Interacting with the Vulnerabilities Scanner
Identifying Server Vulnerabilities in Web Applications
Extracting Geolocation and Metadata from Documents, Images, and Browsers
Cryptography and Steganography
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