PowerCLI Cookbook
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With networking, VMware has done a lot of work to ease administration with the VMware Distributed Virtual Switch. In vSphere 5.5, VMware introduced Datastore Clusters that alleviate some of the management of datastores. However, from a provisioning standpoint, the initial setup of storage is still manual and can take a lot of manual steps. Scripting this makes a lot of sense in large environments.
Datastore and storage under vSphere is also different since some operations must be performed on the raw storage device and these steps are not repeated on every host. There are three types of storage connectivity that you might need to provision: NFS, iSCSI, and Fibre Channel. For this example, you will focus on iSCSI and NFS, and you will work on provisioning storage from both. Along the way, Fibre Channel will also be discussed since its concepts overlap with iSCSI from a vSphere perspective.
For this example, you will need to open a PowerCLI window and connect to an ESXi host. You will also want to make sure that you have the VMHost object stored in a variable named $esxihost
, covered in the Getting the VMware host object section.
cmdlet will take all of the input needed to provision the new datastore and make it available for use. Since NFS does not use the VMFS filesystem, there are no filesystem properties that need to be passed. To connect NFS, you just need to provide a name for vSphere to identify the datastore, a path (the export), and the host that is providing the NFS, as follows:$esxihost | New-Datastore -Nfs -Name DataStoreName -Path /data1/export -NfsHost nfsserver.domain.local
$esxihost | Get-VMHostStorage
as follows:$esxihost | Get-VMHostStorage | Set-VMHostStorage -SoftwareIScsiEnabled $true
cmdlet. This cmdlet requires that you pass in the iSCSI HBA as an object, so first, you retrieve the iSCSI HBA using Get-VMHostHba
and store it in a variable and then use it with New-IscsiHbaTargets
:$iSCSIhba = $esxihost | Get-VMHostHba -Type iScsi New-IScsiHbaTarget -IScsiHba $iSCSIhba -Address $target -ChapType Required -ChapName vSphere -ChapPassword Password1
In the example, there are additional parameters for authentication. iSCSI uses Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) to authenticate sessions to the target storage. Authentication is not required and if the storage system is not configured for authentication, these parameters can be omitted. However, it's a bad practice to deploy a production storage array without authentication.
$esxcli = Get-ESXCLI -VMHost $esxihost $esxcli.iscsi.networkportal.add($iscsihba, $true,"vmk2")
. Using the ESXCLI interface, you can assign it to the iSCSI HBA. To confirm the change, you can use the list()
method, as follows:$esxcli.iscsi.networkportal.list()
; you can remove them with a simple remove()
method, as follows:$esxcli.iscsi.networkportal.remove($iscsihba,$true,"vmk0")
Now that the system has its targets configured, if the iSCSI array has provisioned storage to the host, it should be visible. This is the point where iSCSI and Fibre Channel converge. Since iSCSI uses the host bus adapter model that Fibre Channel invented, they work in the same way after initial configuration. You must run the NFS mount on each server and you must set up iSCSI initial configuration on each host. Scanning and formatting VMFS datastores only needs to be done from a single host for iSCSI and Fibre Channel disks since they are shared resources. This means that when scripting the steps on each host, the next few steps only need to be done on a single host in the cluster and then every host needs to be a rescan:
$esxihost | Get-VMHostStorage -RescanAllHBA -RescanVmfs
Starting with a rescan is a good idea so that your system recognizes all of the storage changes and sees all disks that have been presented. Whether you're using software or hardware iSCSI, Fibre Channel, or converged network adapters, this is the point where your hosts see its SAN disks.
cmdlet:$esxihost | Get-ScsiLun
object to identify and leverage the list for provisioning. For instance, you can scope the list using the Vendor property or by the model. For the purpose of this example, we will assume that you have a disk identified by the iSCSIDisk
model and use that for scoping. To create a new datastore on the disk, you need the canonical name, which is also a property in the ScsiLun object:$LUN = $esxihost | Get-ScsiLun | Where {$_.Model -like "iSCSIDisk"}
property that enumerates the HBA, controller, target, and the LUN number. For instance, if you know the LUN number you want to prepare is LUN 8 that is represented in the RuntimeName
as L8
, the PowerCLI to scope and return this would be as follows:$LUN = $esxihost | Get-ScsiLun | Where {$_.RuntimeName -like "*L8"}
cmdlet:$esxihost | New-Datastore -Name iSCSIDatastore1 -Path $LUN.CanonicalName -VMFS
Provisioning datastores in vSphere works differently for each type of SAN storage. NFS is simpler than iSCSI or Fibre Channel and just requires that you connect (or mount) the datastore for use on the host. Software-based iSCSI requires that you do some additional configuration on the host so that it can connect to the target array, but then iSCSI and Fibre Channel both will work in the same way with backend storage LUNs being presented to the host for consumption.
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