3D Printing Blueprints
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It should only take a few minutes to model the bracelet, but don't worry about making it hollow. That will be accomplished with the post-processing. Instead, just make sure the top and bottom are flat for this to work. Perform the following steps for modeling the bracelet:
As usual begin the new project by clearing the scene and saving it in a new directory under MakerbotBlueprints.
Name the new directory Ch 9 Stretchy Bracelet
Save the project as StretchyBracelet.blend:
Add (Shift + A) a Cylinder to the scene.
Change the options of the cylinder to have 24 Vertices, Depth of 6 to 12, and Radius about as big as the widest point of the hand of the person who will be wearing this, usually around the thumb knuckle. This will be about 25 for a child, 35 for an adult female, and 45 to 60 for an adult male.
Name the cylinder BraceletShape
Enter the Edit Mode (Tab).
Switch to Face select (Ctrl + Tab).
(De)select (A) all faces.
Select (right-click) on just one of the faces around the...
Change the font size
Change margin width
Change background colour