LaTeX Beginner's Guide
By :

You can use a local LaTeX installation, or you can compile the example code online at https://latexguide.org/chapter-08.
The code is available on GitHub at https://github.com/PacktPublishing/LaTeX-Beginner-s-Guide-2nd-Edition-/tree/main/Chapter_08_-_Listing_Contents_and_References.
In this chapter, we will use LaTeX standard features and the index
Furthermore, we will briefly talk about the following packages: biblatex
, cite
, hyperref
, makeidx
, minitoc
, multitoc
, natbib
, titlesec
, titletoc
, tocbibind
, tocloft
, and url
You can find related examples in the LaTeX Cookbook, Chapter 7, Contents, Indexes, and Bibliographies, with code examples available on the book's website: https://latex-cookbook.net/chapter-7.