Managing Software Requirements the Agile Way
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Our requirements model tree structure gives us a great way to visually track the relationships between our requirement entities. We can, at a glance, see all the capabilities needed to accomplish a stakeholder goal. We can also focus on a capability in order to immediately see all the Feature
s we need to implement in order to provide it. There are, however, occasions when we need to reference a Feature
outside the requirements model context. This could be, for example, in a conversation, an email, or some other document. Accurately referencing a Feature
outside the requirements model can be tedious, as we need to use the full Feature
name and provide some context to our reader or conversation partner. Similarly, we may mention a capability by its chosen name, but that makes it difficult for the other parties to relate it to a particular set of Feature
s. An easy way to get around this problem is to assign identifiers to our capabilities...