Mastering Apex Programming
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Let's start this chapter by covering the Salesforce save order of execution. It is my opinion that the save order of execution should be one of the first things taught to every administrator or developer working on the platform. This ensures they are aware of the implications of actions they make when building automation through either clicks or code. Why is this?
Think of the save order of execution as being similar to a nuclear reactor. Nuclear reactors use fission to create energy, a process which involves firing a neutron at an isotope, with it then splitting and releasing some energy and other small isotopes. The reason I'm using this as a comparison is that it is a stable system that is designed to function in a certain way. As long as the process is controlled, we get the right amount of fission, and energy is released. If it goes wrong, though, too much energy is released, and this can cause a meltdown. If it is completely uncontrolled...