Odoo 14 Development Cookbook
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Except for the framework code, all of the code bases of Odoo are packed in the form of modules. These modules can be installed or uninstalled at any time from the database. There are two main purposes for these modules. Either you can add new apps/business logic, or you can modify an existing application. Put simply, in Odoo, everything starts and ends with modules.
Odoo is being used by companies of all sizes; each company has a different business flow and requirements. To deal with this issue, Odoo splits the features of the application into different modules. These modules can be loaded in the database on demand. Basically, the user can enable/disable these features at any time. Consequently, the same software can be adjusted for different requirements. Check out the following screenshot of Odoo modules; the first module in the column is the main application and others are designed for adding extra features in that app. To get a modules list grouped...