Odoo 15 Development Essentials
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Frontend web pages allow Odoo to also provide features to external users. This can be used to display generic information to the public, or give personalized information to portal users. The frontend web features are the foundation of the Odoo CMS, provided by the Website app, and for frontend features such as e-commerce.
In this chapter, you understood the technical components that are at the core of frontend web features, web controllers, and QWeb templates. Web controllers implement routes, triggered when accessing certain URL paths called routes, and running any specific business logic needed. QWeb templates receive data prepared by the web controller and render HTML output with the help of the QWeb templating engine.
You now know how to use these components to implement a public web page integrated with the Odoo frontend, including the usage of your own web assets. You also know how to leverage the essentials of the Odoo portal to provide self-service features to...