In the first recipe, we saw how to install Odoo from source using the git repository. The main benefit of this setting is being able to update the source code of Odoo using git to get the latest bug fixes.

Odoo 12 Development Cookbook
By :

In the first recipe, we saw how to install Odoo from source using the git repository. The main benefit of this setting is being able to update the source code of Odoo using git to get the latest bug fixes.
Stop any instance that's currently running with the Odoo source you are about to update, and then make a backup of all of the databases you care about in case something goes wrong. This is obviously something you need to do for production databases. Refer to the Managing Odoo server databases recipe of this chapter for further instructions.
Next, make a note of the current version of the source you are running. The best way to do this is by creating a lightweight tag using the following command:
$ cd ~/odoo-dev/odoo
$ git checkout 12.0
$ git tag 12.0-before-update-$(date --iso)
To update the source code of Odoo, use the following command:
$ git pull –-ff-only origin 12.0
This will fetch the latest version of the source code that's committed to the current branch.
To update an instance running on this code, run the following command:
$ ./odoo-bin -c myodoo.cfg --stop-after-init -u base
If you don't have a database set in the configuration file, you will have to add the
-d database_name option. This command is to be repeated for all of the instances that are running with this version of the source code.
If the update fails, don't panic, because you have backups:
$ git reset --hard 12.0-before-update-$(date --iso)
Updating the source code is done by ensuring that we are on the correct branch using git checkout and then fetching the new revisions using git pull. The --ff-only option will cause a failure if you have local commits that aren't present in the remote repository. If this happens and you want to keep your changes, you can use git pull (without --ff-only) to merge the remote changes with yours. If not, use git reset --hard origin/12.0 to force the update, hence discarding your local modifications.
The update command uses the following options:
When updating a module, Odoo does the following:
Since the base module is an implicit dependency of all Odoo modules, updating it will trigger an update of all of the installed modules in your instance. To update all installed modules, the all alias can be used instead of base.