Microsoft Dynamics 365 Extensions Cookbook

Dynamics 365 is a robust platform with a proven track record spanning more than 10 years. The most attractive attributes of the product are all the features you get straight out of the box. Most of these features are complex and time consuming to implement if they were to be written from scratch on a bespoke application. The security model is at the top of the list of great features.
The security model in Dynamics 365 is comprehensive and capable of addressing a wide range of security requirements. From coarse grain access to instances using Office 365 security groups, to simple CRUD privileges, to field-level security, the authorization model has evolved over the years to cater for more granularity.
It is paramount to have a solid grasp of the fundamental security building blocks offered by the product. This will help you make educated decisions when modeling security. At the core of the Dynamics 365 security controls are security roles. The security roles provide per entity...