C# 13 and .NET 9 – Modern Cross-Platform Development Fundamentals
By :

Git is a commonly used source code management system. GitHub is a company, website, and desktop application that makes it easier to manage Git. Microsoft purchased GitHub in 2018, so it will continue to get closer integration with Microsoft tools.
I created a GitHub repository for this book, and I use it for the following:
Good Practice: I strongly recommend that you all review the errata, improvements, post-publication changes, and common errors pages before attempting any coding task in this book. You can find them at the following link: https://github.com/markjprice/cs13net9/blob/main/docs/errata/README.md.
The solution code in the GitHub repository for this book includes folders for each chapter that can be opened with any of the following code editors:
solution file.Chapters 1 to 11 each have their own solution file named ChapterXX.sln
, where XX
is the chapter number 01 to 11. Chapters 12 to 15 share a single solution file named ModernWeb.sln
The .sln
solution file format is a Microsoft proprietary file format that is verbose, hard to read, and uses Globally Unique Identifiers (GUIDs) to reference projects and other components of a solution. A new format based on XML, designed to be simpler and easier to read, is coming soon and will use the .slnx
file extension. You can learn more about this at the following link: https://github.com/dotnet/sdk/issues/40913.
All the code solutions can be found at the following link:
Good Practice: If you need to, return to this chapter to remind yourself how to create and manage multiple projects in the code editor of your choice. The GitHub repository has step-by-step instructions for three code editors (Visual Studio, VS Code, and Rider), along with additional screenshots: https://github.com/markjprice/cs13net9/tree/main/docs/code-editors/.
If you get stuck following any of the instructions in this book, or if you spot a mistake in the text or the code in the solutions, please raise an issue in the GitHub repository:
The following is less relevant but might be useful:
I cannot always respond immediately to issues. But I want all my readers to find success with my book, so if I can help you (and others) without too much trouble, then I will gladly do so.
If you’d like to give me more general feedback about the book, then either email me at [email protected]
or ask me a question on Discord in the book channel. You can provide the feedback anonymously, or if you would like a response from me, then you can supply an email address. I will only use this email address to answer your feedback.
Please join me and your fellow readers on Discord using this invite: https://packt.link/csharp13dotnet9.
I love to hear from my readers about what they like about my book, as well as suggestions for improvements and how they are working with C# and .NET, so don’t be shy. Please get in touch!
Thank you in advance for your thoughtful and constructive feedback.
After working through the step-by-step tasks in this book, readers often then strike out on their own and attempt to write similar code, but sometimes, they hit problems and either raise an issue in the GitHub repository or post a question to the Discord channel for the book.
From these, I have noted some common mistakes, so I maintain a page in the repository to highlight and explain these potential traps and how to fix them:
If you just want to download all the solution files without using Git, click the green <> Code button and then select Download ZIP, as shown in Figure 1.10:
Figure 1.10: Downloading the repository as a ZIP file
Good Practice: It is best to clone or download the code solutions to a short folder path, like C:\cs13net9\
or C:\book\
, to avoid build-generated files that exceed the maximum path length. You should also avoid special characters like #
. For example, do not use a folder name like C:\C# projects\
. That folder name might work for a simple console app project, but once you start adding features that automatically generate code, you are likely to have strange issues. Keep your folder names short and simple.
VS Code has integrations with Git, but it will use your operating system’s Git installation, so you must install Git 2 or later first before you get these features.
You can install Git from the following link: https://git-scm.com/download.
If you like to use a GUI, you can download GitHub Desktop from the following link: https://desktop.github.com.
Let’s clone the book solution code repository. In the steps that follow, you will use the VS Code terminal, but you can enter the commands at any command prompt or terminal window:
in your user
or Documents
folder, or wherever you want to store your Git repositories.Repos-vscode
folder at the command prompt or terminal, and then enter the following command:
git clone https://github.com/markjprice/cs13net9.git
Note that cloning all the solutions for all the chapters will take a minute or so, so please be patient.