PHP Microservices
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Debugging and profiling is very necessary in the development of a complex and large application, so let’s explain what they are and how we can take advantage of these kinds of tools.
Debugging is the process of identifying and fixing errors in programming. It is mainly a manual task in which developers need to use their imagination, intuition, and have a lot of patience.
Most of the time, it is necessary to include new instructions in the code to read the value of variables at a concrete point of execution or code to stop the execution in order to know whether it is passing through a function.
However, this process can be managed by the debugger. This is a tool or application that allows us to control the execution of our application in order to follow each executed instruction and find the bugs or errors, avoiding having to add code instructions in our code.
The debugger uses an instruction called breakpoint. A breakpoint is, as its name suggests, a...