Before we take a dive into the ocean of Android, let's first spend some time discussing the evolution of Android, or what we call The Android Story. Back in 2005, Google started investing money in start-up companies that it thought would be profitable in the future. Android Inc., founded in 2003 by Andy Rubin, Rich Miner, Nick Sears, and Chris White, was one such company acquired by Google that later turned out to be the best deal ever. During its first two years, Android Inc. operated under secrecy. It described itself as a company making software for mobile phones. Rubin later stayed with Google to pioneer Android as an operating system that revolutionized the way mobile handsets operate. With this acquisition, it was clear that Google was eyeing the mobile phone market. At Google, Rubin, along with his team, developed a powerful and flexible operating...

Practical Mobile Forensics
By :

Practical Mobile Forensics
Overview of this book
Covering up-to-date mobile platforms, this book will focuses on teaching you the most recent techniques for investigating mobile devices. We delve mobile forensics techniques in iOS 9-11, Android 7-8 devices, and Windows 10. We will demonstrate the latest open source and commercial mobile forensics tools, enabling you to analyze and retrieve data effectively. You will learn how to introspect and retrieve data from the cloud, and document and prepare reports of your investigations.
By the end of this book, you will have mastered the current operating systems and the relevant techniques to recover data from mobile devices by leveraging open source solutions.
Table of Contents (14 chapters)
Introduction to Mobile Forensics
Understanding the Internals of iOS Devices
Data Acquisition from iOS Devices
Data Acquisition from iOS Backups
iOS Data Analysis and Recovery
iOS Forensic Tools
Understanding Android
Android Forensic Setup and Pre-Data Extraction Techniques
Android Data Extraction Techniques
Android Data Analysis and Recovery
Android App Analysis, Malware, and Reverse Engineering
Windows Phone Forensics
Parsing Third-Party Application Files
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