Cuckoo Malware Analysis

First, we must go to the root directory of the previously extracted Cuckoo. This time, the root directory is home/user/Documents/cuckoo
We do not need to start VirtualBox to run the Guest OS (in this case, the guest OS is Windows XP SP3) in order to receive the malware sample. You must turn it off after configuring and installing some Windows applications mentioned before (for example, Adobe Reader, Microsoft Office, and so on). Do not forget to snapshot your current VM (virtual machine)—as it will be used several times—so that Cuckoo will start a fresh VM every time it runs the analysis. There are other ways to make the VM take snapshots. To do this using VirtualBox window, open its main window and click on the Take Snapshot button under Machine. (Snapshots can be taken when your Guest OS is started.)
Now we will start Cuckoo Sandbox. As explained before, type the following command line in the terminal and run:
$ python cuckoo.py
accepts some command line options...
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