GeoServer Beginner's Guide

GeoServer has a set of data already configured, and there are a few workspaces to organize them. We will now create a new workspace for the data you will be adding in this book.
Select the workspaces list page.
Click on Add new workspace.
In the form, you have to enter a Name for your new workspace (in the following screenshot, it is NaturalEarth), and http://www.naturalearthdata.com as Namespace URI. Check Default Workspace to assign this as your default:
Click Submit to save your new workspace.
You created a logical category for your data. The default option is useful when you start creating a number of data stores and layers and need to add them to the same workspace, since the default is selected by default. When you start to create layers using the REST interface in a later chapter, you'll quickly find that workspaces are very useful as well.
Stores connect GeoServer to repositories where your data is located. Each store must...
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