Practical Model-Driven Enterprise Architecture
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Next to gathering information, publishing is the most important capability of your enterprise repository. There wouldn't be much use for a repository if it didn't have such capabilities. Fortunately for us, Sparx has a rich set of publishing features.
We've barely brushed the surface of what this tool can do. However, we're afraid that delving any deeper into the various features and uses of this tool at this time would lose all but the most adamant and determined reader. There's a better way to learn, which is to experience it for yourself. Go forth and model!
Within the chapters of this book, we have endeavored to teach you one of the only modeling languages specifically intended for the enterprise architect, ArchiMate®, using one of the most popular, feature-rich, and affordable tools of the enterprise architect, Sparx Systems' Enterprise Architect. We hope we have succeeded.
The best architectural decisions are based on the...