Scala Programming Projects
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To facilitate the project creation, we are providing a template which generates the skeleton of the project. For that purpose, Gitter8 will help us to generate the complete project based on a template hosted in Git.
We are not going to directly use the command line of Gitter8. We are instead going to use the integration with sbt to generate the project.
The template can be found on Github at GitHub - scala-fundamentals/scala-play.g8: Template used for the online shopping. This template has been forked from https://github.com/vmunier/play-scalajs.g8. We essentially changed the framework test from Specs2 to ScalaTest and added all the dependencies needed for our shopping project.
To create the project, enter the following in your console:
sbt new scala-fundamentals/scala-play.g8 --name=shopping --organization=io.fscala
This will create a new folder with all the files and folders needed for our project.
You can now import this project in IntelliJ, click on Import Project