Haskell High Performance Programming
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Chapter 1, Identifying Bottlenecks, introduces you to basic techniques for optimal evaluation and avoiding space leaks.
Chapter 2, Choose the Correct Data Structures, works with and optimizes both immutable and mutable data structures.
Chapter 3, Profile and Benchmark to Your Heart's Content, profiles Haskell programs using GHC and benchmarking using Criterion.
Chapter 4, The Devil's in the Detail, explains the small details that affect performance in Haskell programs, including code sharing, specializing, and simplifier rules.
Chapter 5, Parallelize for Performance, exploits parallelism in Haskell programs using the RePa library for data parallelism.
Chapter 6, I/O and Streaming, talks about the pros and cons of lazy and strict I/O in Haskell and explores the concept of streaming.
Chapter 7, Concurrency Performance, explores the different aspects of concurrent programming, such as shared variables, exception handling, and software-transactional memory.
Chapter 8, Tweaking the Compiler and Runtime System, chooses the optimal compiler and runtime parameters for Haskell programs compiled with GHC.
Chapter 9, GHC Internals and Code Optimizations, delves deeper into the compilation pipeline, and understands the intermediate representations of GHC.
Chapter 10, Foreign Function Interface, calls safely to and from C in Haskell using GHC and its FFI support.
Chapter 11, Programming for the GPU with Accelerate, uses the Accelerate library to program backend-agnostic GPU programs and executes on CUDA-enabled systems.
Chapter 12, Scaling to the Cloud with Cloud Haskell, uses the Cloud Haskell ecosystem to build distributed systems with Haskell.
Chapter 13, Functional Reactive Programming, introduces three Haskell FRP libraries, including Elerea, Yampa, and Reactive-banana.
Chapter 14, Library Recommendations, talks about a catalogue of robust Haskell libraries, accompanied with overviews and examples.