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Akka Cookbook

By : Vivek Mishra, Héctor Veiga Ortiz
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Akka Cookbook

By: Vivek Mishra, Héctor Veiga Ortiz

Overview of this book

Akka is an open source toolkit that simplifies the construction of distributed and concurrent applications on the JVM. This book will teach you how to develop reactive applications in Scala using the Akka framework. This book will show you how to build concurrent, scalable, and reactive applications in Akka. You will see how to create high performance applications, extend applications, build microservices with Lagom, and more. We will explore Akka's actor model and show you how to incorporate concurrency into your applications. The book puts a special emphasis on performance improvement and how to make an application available for users. We also make a special mention of message routing and construction. By the end of this book, you will be able to create a high-performing Scala application using the Akka framework.
Table of Contents (18 chapters)
Title Page
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Persisting the state to Cassandra

Another option as a storage plugin for Akka persistence is Apache Cassandra. Apache Cassandra is a popular, highly available, failure-tolerant, scalable database used by many successful companies, such as Apple and Netflix. The Akka ecosystem provides a plugin to use Apache Cassandra as your storage plugin for both journal and snapshots. In this recipe, we will review how to bring the required dependencies, define Apache Cassandra as your desired plugin for journal and snapshots, and run a small app to test it out.

Getting ready

To step through this recipe, we need to import the hello-Akka project in the IDE; other prerequisites are the same as earlier as we have downloaded the akka-persistence dependency. We will need an Apache Cassandra instance to test this recipe. For convenience, we will assume that we have one instance running in the default port 9042. In this recipe, we will have an actor that will hold the latest value of a stock, and it will use Akka...