When it comes to securing your application, the most important thing is to properly secure your server-side APIs. So this way we will not lose any critical data and other's data will not get shared publicly.
Although, when we think about securing our code base, then nothing is 100% in native as well as hybrid mobile development. The goal should be to get as close to that number as possible though. Start by limiting your exposure and taking care that no sensitive data and logic should be on the client side. You should make sure you are doing your best to secure your hybrid mobile apps. However, if someone is dedicated enough, they can still work around it.
We now have covered some important concepts of security inside and outside of your Ionic application. We will now move one step ahead with integrations of our Ionic app with BasS services such as Firebase and Ionic Cloud. In case you have very simple...

Hybrid Mobile Development with Ionic
By :

Hybrid Mobile Development with Ionic
Overview of this book
Ionic is an open source, front-end framework that allows you to develop hybrid mobile apps without any native-language hassle for each platform. It offers a library of mobile-optimized HTML, CSS, and JS components for building highly interactive mobile apps.
This book will help you to develop a complete, professional and quality mobile application with Ionic Framework. You will start the journey by learning to configure, customize, and migrate Ionic 1x to 3x. Then, you will move on to Ionic 3 components and see how you can customize them according to your applications. You will also implement various native plugins and integrate them with Ionic and Ionic Cloud services to use them optimally in your application. By this time, you will be able to create a full-fledged e-commerce application. Next, you will master authorization, authentication, and security techniques in Ionic 3 to ensure that your application and data are secure. Further, you will integrate the backend services such as Firebase and the Cordova iBeacon plugin in your application. Lastly, you will be looking into Progressive Web Applications and its support with Ionic, with a demonstration of an offline-first application.
By the end of the book, you will not only have built a professional, hybrid mobile application, but will also have ensured that your app is secure and performance driven.
Table of Contents (9 chapters)
Getting Started with Ionic 3
Ionic Components
Ionic Native and Plugins
Ionic Platform and Services
Authentication, Authorization, and Security
TasteBite App with Firebase
Ionic, IOT, and Beacons
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