- adb
- about / Building tools, Introducing ADB
- files, pushing to devices / Pushing files to devices
- files, pulling from devices / Pulling files from devices
- Android APK files, installing / Installing Android APK files
- used, for connecting to recovery shell / Connecting to the recovery shell using ADB
- ADK Toolkit
- reference link / Creating the Android app
- advanced Linux kernel modding
- about / Advanced Linux kernel modding
- CPU frequency management / Diving into CPU frequency management
- custom CPU frequency governor, adding / Adding a custom CPU frequency governor
- advanced ROM customization
- about / Advanced ROM customization
- ROM customization, from binary / ROM customization from binary
- ROM customization, from source / Customizing ROM from source
- all-in-one ADK device
- UDOO, used / Using UDOO as an all-in-one ADK device
- alternative recovery
- installing / Installing an alternative recovery
- Android
- philosophy / The Android philosophy
- license / The license
- open source projects / Open source, closed doors
- development model / The Android development model
- source code tags / Source code tags and builds
- builds / Source code tags and builds
- devices, in Nexus family / Nexus
- source code tools / Source code tools
- Gerrit / Gerrit
- reference link / The rest of the directory structure
- compiling, for real-world device / Compiling Android for a real-world device
- about / History of custom ROMs
- Android-powered toys
- about / Toys
- diving into / Diving into
- variables ecosystem
- about / variables ecosystem
- LOCAL_ variables / The LOCAL_ variables
- BUILD_ variables / The BUILD_ variables
- Android ADK
- reference link / Android ADK
- Android Application Binary Interfaces (ABIs)
- about / Native API
- Android Auto
- about / Android Auto
- Android Automotive implementation / Device types
- Android binary boot image
- modifying / Modifying an Android binary boot image
- Android boot sequence
- about / Android boot sequence
- internal ROM - bios / Internal ROM – bios
- Android build system
- about / The Android build system
- setting up / Setup
- building / Building the system
- Android compatibility
- about / Android compatibility
- Android Compatibility Definition Document (CDD)
- about / The Android Compatibility Definition Document
- device types / Device types
- software compatibility / Software compatibility
- Android CTS
- about / Android CTS
- Android Developers
- reference / Run
- Android Device Monitor
- about / Introducing ADB
- Android framework, hacking
- about / Hacking the Android framework
- boot sequence UI customization / Customizing the boot sequence UI
- Android Settings menu customization / Customizing the Android Settings menu
- Android Handset / Device types
- Android images, flashing
- about / Flashing Android images
- Nexus 6 / Nexus 6
- Android init language
- about / The Android init language
- action / Actions
- services / Services
- options statements / Options
- triggers / Triggers
- commands / Commands
- imports / Imports
- Android kitchen
- about / Android kitchen
- reference / Android kitchen
- Android Lollipop source code
- about / From zero to the screenlock
- setting up / Setup
- build process / Build
- running / Run
- Android N
- new features / Looking forward
- Android NDK
- about / Android NDK
- Android Open Kang Project (AOKP)
- about / The Android Open Kang Project
- ROM Control menu / The Android Open Kang Project
- reference / The Android Open Kang Project
- goodies / The Android Open Kang Project
- installing / Installing AOKP
- Android recovery
- overview / An overview of Android recovery
- diving into / Diving into Android recovery
- Android runtime
- about / The Android runtime
- AOT compilation / A new old approach – AOT compilation
- Garbage Collection (GC) / Garbage collection and other improvements
- performance improvements / Garbage collection and other improvements
- Android SDK
- about / Android SDK
- Android system / Libraries and the application framework
- overview / An overview of the Android system
- Linux kernel / Linux kernel
- hardware abstraction layer (HAL) / Hardware abstraction layer – HAL
- libraries / Libraries
- application framework / The application framework
- Binder IPC / Binder IPC
- application layer / The application layer
- Android system binary image
- modifying / Modifying an Android system binary image
- Android Television device / Device types
- Android vanilla recovery
- Reboot system now option / Diving into Android recovery
- Apply update form ADB option / Diving into Android recovery
- Wipe cache partition option / Diving into Android recovery
- Wipe data/factory reset option / Diving into Android recovery
- Android Watch / Device types
- Android Wear
- about / Android Wear
- AOKP PUSH / Installing AOKP
- about / A look inside AOSP
- ART directory / The ART directory
- bionic directory / The bionic directory
- build directory / The build directory
- external directory / The external directory
- device directory / The device directory
- frameworks directory / The frameworks directory
- out directory / The out directory
- packages directory / The packages directory
- system directory / The system directory
- directory structure / The rest of the directory structure
- AOSP module
- about / Inside an AOSP module
- APKTool
- DEX files, manipulating with / Manipulating DEX files with APKTool
- about / Manipulating DEX files with APKTool
- reference / Manipulating DEX files with APKTool
- Application Framework
- activity manager / The application framework
- resource manager / The application framework
- location manager / The application framework
- notification manager / The application framework
- content providers / The application framework
- views and widgets / The application framework
- application template / The application template
- Arduino
- about / Meeting Arduino
- Android ADK / Android ADK
- UDOO, using ADK device / Using UDOO as an all-in-one ADK device
- Arduino IDE
- reference link / Flashing the Arduino board
- Arduino shields
- examples / Meeting Arduino
- Arduino UNO
- about / Meeting Arduino
- 32-bit support
- about / Maintaining 32-bit support
- features / Maintaining 32-bit support
- CPU architecture / Maintaining 32-bit support
- baseband processor
- about / The baseband processor
- binary version
- retrieving, of kernel / Retrieving the kernel's binary version
- Binder Inter-Process Communication (IPC) / Binder IPC
- bloatware / The Android Open Kang Project
- boot image
- customizing / Customizing the boot image
- creating / Creating the boot image
- upgrading / Upgrading the new boot image
- bootloader
- about / An overview of bootloader
- bootloader mode
- flash option / Fastboot
- erase option / Fastboot
- reboot option / Fastboot
- format option / Fastboot
- about / Bootloader mode
- Bootstrap
- about / Bootstrap
- file
- about / The file
- BUILD_ variables, variables
- BUILD_PREBUILT / The BUILD_ variables
- BUILD_PACKAGE / The BUILD_ variables
- Chef toolkit
- about / Chef toolkit
- Chromecast Audio
- about / Multimedia
- Clockworkmod
- about / Clockworkmod
- installing / Clockworkmod
- reference / Clockworkmod
- Clockworkmod UI / Clockworkmod
- Compatibility Test Suite (CTS)
- about / Meeting the Compatibility Test Suite
- unit tests / Meeting the Compatibility Test Suite
- functional tests / Meeting the Compatibility Test Suite
- robustness tests / Meeting the Compatibility Test Suite
- performance tests / Meeting the Compatibility Test Suite
- setup / CTS setup
- device setup / Device setup
- media files setup / Media files setup
- test plan, running / Run!
- test results, analyzing / Analyzing the test results
- CPU frequency
- altering / Altering the CPU frequency
- cross-compilation / Setting up the toolchain
- CTS Verifier
- about / Diving deeper with CTS Verifier
- setup / Setup
- manual testing / Manual testing
- results, retrieving / Retrieving the results
- custom device
- creating / Creating a custom device
- configuring / Diving into device configuration
- custom ROM
- history / History of custom ROMs
- flashing / Flashing our custom ROM
- Cyanogenmod
- about / Cyanogenmod
- features / Cyanogenmod
- building / Building Cyanogenmod
- reference / Building Cyanogenmod
- pre-build version, installing / Installing a pre-build version
- Dalvik
- about / From Dalvik to ART runtime
- Dalvik Executable
- about / Manipulating DEX files with APKTool
- debugging tools
- about / Debugging tools
- adb / Introducing ADB
- fastboot / Fastboot
- device directory, AOSP
- common directory / The device directory
- generic directory / The device directory
- google directory / The device directory
- sample directory / The device directory
- device permissions
- about / Device permissions
- root access / Root access
- device setup
- about / Device setup
- Factory Restore / Device setup
- Location, turning on / Device setup
- Screen Lock, disabling / Device setup
- Device Under Test (DUT)
- about / Meeting the Compatibility Test Suite
- DEX files
- manipulating, with APKTool / Manipulating DEX files with APKTool
- Display Shield / Meeting Arduino
- Domain Specific Language (DSL)
- about / Applying a single component update
- domotics
- about / Domotics
- driver's management
- about / Driver management
- DroniX
- about / Minor ROMs
- reference / Minor ROMs
- dsixda
- about / Android kitchen
- Edify syntax
- about / Edify syntax
- methods / Edify syntax
- environment, Android build system
- setting up / Setting up the environment
- free space / Free space
- Ethernet Shield / Meeting Arduino
- fastboot
- about / Building tools, Fastboot
- features, Cyanogenmod
- theming support / Cyanogenmod
- FLAC support / Cyanogenmod
- bigger APN (Access Point Network) list / Cyanogenmod
- OpenVPN client / Cyanogenmod
- enriched Power Off menu / Cyanogenmod
- flash memory
- about / History of custom ROMs
- folders, AOSP directory structure
- abi / The rest of the directory structure
- bootable / The rest of the directory structure
- dalvik / The rest of the directory structure
- development / The rest of the directory structure
- docs / The rest of the directory structure
- note / The rest of the directory structure
- hardware / The rest of the directory structure
- libcore / The rest of the directory structure
- ndk / The rest of the directory structure
- pdk / The rest of the directory structure
- prebuilts / The rest of the directory structure
- sdk / The rest of the directory structure
- tools / The rest of the directory structure
- General purpose Input/Output (GPIO) drivers / Linux kernel
- goodies, Android Open Kang Project (AOKP)
- Vibration Pattern / The Android Open Kang Project
- Navigation Ring / The Android Open Kang Project
- LED Control / The Android Open Kang Project
- Custom Toggles / The Android Open Kang Project
- Google
- password, reference link / Hands on the code
- Google Mobile Services (GMS) / A look inside AOSP
- governors
- about / An overview of the governors
- ondemand / An overview of the governors
- interactive / An overview of the governors
- hardware
- selecting / Choosing our hardware
- hardware architectures
- about / Hardware architectures
- requisites / Minimum requirements
- hexadecimal editor
- about / Other developers' tools
- HomeMirror
- reference link / Domotics
- host system
- preparing / Preparing the host system, Preparing the host system
- hardware requisites / Hardware requirements
- software requisites / Software requirements
- HTC Sense
- about / HTC Sense
- Huawei EMUI
- about / Huawei EMUI
- I/O schedulers
- noop / Exploring I/O schedulers
- SIO / Exploring I/O schedulers
- CFQ / Exploring I/O schedulers
- BFQ / Exploring I/O schedulers
- anticipatory / Exploring I/O schedulers
- ROW / Exploring I/O schedulers
- deadline / Exploring I/O schedulers
- image
- recreating / Recreating an image
- incremental OTA
- about / Creating over the air updates
- Init process
- about / The Init process
- Internet of Things
- possibilities, exploring / Exploring the possibilities of the Internet of Things
- Java Native Interface (JNI) semantics
- about / Native API
- Just-In-Time compilation
- about / From Dalvik to ART runtime
- Just In Time (JIT) / The ART directory
- kernel
- obtaining / Obtaining the kernel
- binary version, retrieving of / Retrieving the kernel's binary version
- configuring / Configuring the kernel
- compiling / Compiling the kernel
- about / The kernel
- kernel source code
- obtaining / Obtaining the kernel source code
- legacy devices
- about / Cyanogenmod
- LG Optimus UI
- about / LG Optimus UI
- vocal command feature / LG Optimus UI
- libraries, Android system
- SQLite / Libraries
- SSL / Libraries
- OpenGL / Libraries
- SGL / Libraries
- Media Framework / Libraries
- WebKit / Libraries
- libc / Libraries
- Surface manager / Libraries
- Linaro toolchain
- download link / Setting up the toolchain
- Linux kernel
- about / An overview of the Linux kernel
- LOCAL_ variables, variables
- LOCAL_PATH / The LOCAL_ variables
- LOCAL_MODULE / The LOCAL_ variables
- LOCAL_SRC_FILES / The LOCAL_ variables
- LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS / The LOCAL_ variables
- LOCAL_MODULE_PATH / The LOCAL_ variables
- LOCAL_CC / The LOCAL_ variables
- LOCAL_CXX / The LOCAL_ variables
- LOCAL_CFLAGS / The LOCAL_ variables
- LOCAL_CPPFLAGS / The LOCAL_ variables
- LOCAL_C_INCLUDE / The LOCAL_ variables
- LOCAL_LDFLAGS / The LOCAL_ variables
- logcat
- about / Logcat
- logging buffers
- radio / Logcat
- events / Logcat
- lunch command
- about / Bootstrap, The lunch command
- Mac OS X environment
- setting up / Setting up a Mac OS X environment
- case sensitive disk image, creating / Creating a case-sensitive disk image
- required software, installing / Installing the required software
- make command
- about / More about make
- minor ROMs
- about / Minor ROMs
- mkbootimg tool / Creating the boot image
- mm command
- about / Bootstrap
- module
- building / Building a module
- cleaning / Cleaning a module
- listing / Listing modules
- module template examples
- about / Module template examples
- native executable template / The native executable template
- shared library template / The shared library template
- application template / The application template
- Motorola Nexus 6
- about / Motorola Nexus 6
- technical specifications / Motorola Nexus 6
- NAND memory
- about / History of custom ROMs
- Native API
- about / Native API
- native executable template / The native executable template
- Nespresso Prodigio
- about / Domotics
- Nexus
- about / Nexus
- phones / Phones
- tablets / Tablets
- digital media players / Digital media players
- Nexus 6
- about / Nexus 6
- URL, for official web page / Nexus 6
- Nexus devices
- about / Nexus devices
- non-Google devices
- working with / Working with non-Google devices
- OEM customizations
- overview / Overview of OEM customizations
- TouchWiz / Samsung – TouchWiz
- Huawei EMUI / Huawei EMUI
- HTC Sense / HTC Sense
- LG Optimus UI / LG Optimus UI
- Xiaomi MIUI / Xiaomi MIUI
- about / Receiving over the air updates – OTA
- for custom ROM / OTA for custom ROM
- OTA internals
- about / OTA internals
- OTA updates
- receiving / Receiving over the air updates – OTA
- whole system updates / Updating the whole system
- incremental system updates / Updating the system incrementally
- single update packages / Applying a single component update
- creating / Creating over the air updates
- OUT_DIR variable
- about / The OUT_DIR variable
- packages, adding to Android's build system
- about / Adding new packages to Android's build system
- by binary / Adding a package by binary
- by source code / Adding packages by source code
- possibilities
- exploring, of Internet of Things / Exploring the possibilities of the Internet of Things
- Proto Shield / Meeting Arduino
- RC car
- reference link / Toys
- ready-to-use components / An overview of the Android system
- real-world device
- Android, compiling for / Compiling Android for a real-world device
- recovery alternatives
- about / Installing an alternative recovery
- Clockworkmod / Clockworkmod
- Team Win Recovery Project (TWRP) / TWRP – Team Win Recovery Project
- reference board
- about / UDOO
- Relay Shield / Meeting Arduino
- required tools
- installing / Installing the required tools
- creating / Cooking our first ROM
- requisites, gathering / Gathering the ingredients
- root access
- about / Root access
- obtaining / Obtaining root access
- shared library template / The shared library template
- shields
- about / Meeting Arduino
- SoC
- about / System on Chip – SoC
- software requisites, host system
- Java JDK, installing / Installing Java JDK
- system dependencies, installing / Installing system dependencies
- reference link / The rest of the directory structure
- source code
- reference link / Getting ready
- about / Getting ready
- downloading / Downloading the code
- working with / Hands on the code
- source code tools
- about / Source code tools
- Git / Git
- Repo / Repo
- standard Linux kernel, governors
- on-demand / Diving into CPU frequency management
- powersave / Diving into CPU frequency management
- performance / Diving into CPU frequency management
- interactive / Diving into CPU frequency management
- conservative / Diving into CPU frequency management
- userspace / Diving into CPU frequency management
- SuperSu
- about / SuperSu
- reference / SuperSu
- system partitions
- dumping / Dumping system partitions
- system performance enhancement
- about / Enhancing the system performance
- system property file, customizing / Customizing the system property file
- custom init sequence, adding / Adding a custom init sequence
- about / The TARGET_BUILD_TYPE variable
- about / The TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT variable
- about / The TARGET_PREBUILT_KERNEL variable
- about / The TARGET_PRODUCT variable
- about / The TARGET_TOOLS_PREFIX variable
- Team Win Recovery Project (TWRP)
- about / TWRP – Team Win Recovery Project
- reference / TWRP – Team Win Recovery Project
- toolchain
- setting up / Setting up the toolchain
- obtaining / Getting the toolchain
- TouchWiz
- about / Samsung – TouchWiz
- traces
- about / The Android runtime
- used, all-in-one ADK device / Using UDOO as an all-in-one ADK device
- Arduino board, flashing / Flashing the Arduino board
- Android app, creating / Creating the Android app
- UDOO family boards
- about / UDOO family boards
- UDOO Quad
- about / UDOO Quad, UDOO Quad
- technical specifications / UDOO Quad
- URL, for source code / UDOO Quad
- setup / Setup
- bootloader, compiling / Bootloader
- system image build process, launching / System
- kernel, building / Kernel
- variables, Android build system
- TARGET_PRODUCT variable / The TARGET_PRODUCT variable
- OUT_DIR variable / The OUT_DIR variable
- file / The file
- lunch command / The lunch command
- versions, Cyanogenmod
- nightly / Installing a pre-build version
- experimental / Installing a pre-build version
- M Snapshot / Installing a pre-build version
- Release Candidate / Installing a pre-build version
- stable / Installing a pre-build version
- Xiaomi MIUI
- about / Xiaomi MIUI