Inkscape 0.48 Illustrator's Cookbook

This recipe will show us how to use Inkscape's Tiled Clones feature to help us create seamless tiling backgrounds.
The following steps will demonstrate repeating backgrounds:
1. Select Rectangle tool (F4 or R) and create a 160x160 px rectangle. Set its stroke to 0.1 Black, remove fill, and group it (Ctrl + G). This group will be our base tile.
2. Open the Create Tiled clones dialog by going to Edit | Clone | Create Tiled Clones....
3. Press the Reset button to clear the values to their defaults.
4. Tick the Use saved size and position of the tile, set Rows, columns: to 5 and press the Create button to get 25 clones in total. Leave the original group selected.
5. Open the Inkscape Preferences (Shift + Ctrl + P), go to the Clones section and make sure the When the original moves, its clones and linked offsets: is set to Stay unmoved, now we can move the original without disturbing the clones.
6. Hold Alt and click anywhere on the screen to...
Change the font size
Change margin width
Change background colour