Game Physics Cookbook
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If we think of an Axis Aligned Bounding Box (AABB) as a Min and Max point, a test point is only inside the AABB if it is greater than Min and less than Max. Similarly, to get the closest point to a test point on the surface of the AABB, we just have to clamp the test point to the min and max points of the AABB:
We are going to implement a function to test if a point is contained within an Axis Aligned Bounding Box. This test will compare the point component-wise to the min and max points of the AABB. We are also going to implement a function to find the point on the Axis Aligned Bounding Box closest to a given test point. To find the closest point, we will clamp the test point to the min and max points of the AABB, component-wise.
Perform the following steps to implement point tests for an AABB:
Declare PointInAABB
and ClosestPoint
in Geometry3D.h
bool PointInAABB(const Point& point, const AABB& aabb); Point ClosestPoint(const AABB&aabb,...