Building Data Science Solutions with Anaconda
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Getting a fundamental view of this term you have heard or will hear all the time is critical. It will let you keep a clear picture in your head of how to navigate the differences of what is currently out there and ensure that you are able to pick and choose what tools you need to do your job. In this section, you'll learn what open source software (or OSS for short) means.
Free as in free speech, not free beer – this is a phrase used to describe the free part of open source. Free in this sense is used not to mean something that you can use and consume as much as you want with nothing in return; it's more the idea and concept that there should be an open exchange of ideas. Just like free speech, there are limits around what you can and can't say and do unless you want legal ramifications. This distinction will become clearer as we continue through the chapter.
In short, OSS is software that is free to be used, modified, and shared...