Implementing Identity Management on AWS
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We covered a lot of new ground in this chapter! In this chapter, we took our first steps into a very large identity service that is nearly completely separate from the identity service that we spent that last few chapters getting to know. However, now that we understand the capabilities of Amazon Cognito, as well as how it can be used to solve application identity in a PaaS context, we are prepared to incorporate it into a holistic cloud identity strategy. We can use services such as Amazon Cognito to facilitate and simplify the challenges that application teams have with user life cycle management and authentication, especially if they intend to fully enmesh their application architecture into the AWS ecosystem.
The next chapter will bring us back into managing access to AWS as an IaaS platform. However, it will do so via another fully featured identity provider service available on AWS that is totally different from Amazon Cognito. There, we will become familiar with AWS...