Practical Machine Learning
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R is a language for data analysis and is used as an environment that is a primary driver in the field of Machine learning, statistical computing, and data mining and provides a comprehensive platform for basic and advanced visualizations or graphics. Today, R is a basic skill that almost all data scientists or would-be data scientists have or must learn.
R is primarily a GNU project known to be similar to the S language that was initially developed at Bell Laboratories (formerly known as AT&T and now, Lucent Technologies) by John Chambers and team. The initial goal for S was to support all statistical functions and was widely used by hard-core statisticians.
R comes with a wide range of open source packages that can be downloaded and configured free of cost, and are installed or loaded on a need basis into the R environment. These packages provide out-of-box support for a wide variety of statistical techniques that include linear and non-linear modeling, time-series analysis, classification...