- abstract class
- acceptsDocsOutOfOrder() / How it works...
- collect(int) / How it works...
- setNextReader(AtomicReaderContext) / How it works...
- setScorer(Scorer) / How it works...
- acquire
- about / Using the SearcherManager to refresh IndexSearcher
- action types
- index / Performing bulk indexing
- create / Performing bulk indexing
- delete / Performing bulk indexing
- update / Performing bulk indexing
- advanced filtering
- performing / Performing advanced filtering, How it works…
- analysis process
- defining / Introduction
- analyzer
- creating / Creating an analyzer, How it works…
- analyzers, Lucene
- WhitespaceAnalyzer / Getting ready
- SimpleAnalyzer / Getting ready
- StopAnalyzer / Getting ready
- StandardAnalyzer / Getting ready
- SnowballAnalyzer / Getting ready
- Apache Solr / Some Lucene implementations
- arguments, filter
- about / How to do it...
- autogenerated phrase query / Autogenerated phrase query
- autosuggest implementations
- AnalyzingSuggester / Employing autosuggest
- AnalyzingInfixSuggester / Employing autosuggest
- FreeTextSuggester / Employing autosuggest
- FuzzySuggester / Employing autosuggest
- autosuggest module
- employing / Employing autosuggest, Getting ready…, How to do it…
- Backus normal Form (BNF) / Creating queries with the Lucene QueryParser
- BBoxStrategy / Exploring spatial search
- BM25 model
- about / The BM25 model
- implementing / Implementing the BM25 model, How to do It…, How it works…
- Boolean model (BM)
- about / Introduction
- BooleanQuery
- about / BooleanQuery, How it works…
- boosting
- about / Delving into field norms
- index time boost / Delving into field norms
- query time boost / Delving into field norms
- built-in filters, Lucene
- defining / Performing advanced filtering
- TermRangeFilter / Performing advanced filtering
- NumericRangeFilter / Performing advanced filtering
- FieldCacheRangeFilter / Performing advanced filtering
- QueryWrapperFilter / Performing advanced filtering
- PrefixFilter / Performing advanced filtering
- FieldCacheTermsFilter / Performing advanced filtering
- FieldValueFilter / Performing advanced filtering
- CachingWrapperFilter / Performing advanced filtering
- built-in spatial strategies
- BBoxStrategy / Exploring spatial search
- PointVectorStrategy / Exploring spatial search
- PrefixTreeStrategy / Exploring spatial search
- SerializedDVStrategy / Exploring spatial search
- bulk indexing
- performing / Performing bulk indexing, How to do it…, How it works…
- CLucene
- URL / Some Lucene implementations
- cluster customization
- URL / There's more…
- clustering
- about / Scaling Elasticsearch
- collectors
- using / Using Collectors, How it works...
- common analyzer
- obtaining / Obtaining a common analyzer, How to do it..., How it works..., There's more…
- components, divergence from randomness model
- BasicModel / Implementing the divergence from randomness model
- AfterEffect / Implementing the divergence from randomness model
- Normalization / Implementing the divergence from randomness model
- components, information-based model
- Distribution / Implementing the information-based model
- Lambda / Implementing the information-based model
- Normalization / Implementing the information-based model
- ControlledRealTimeReopenThread method
- about / Generational indexing with TrackingIndexWriter
- URL / Introduction
- custom analyzers
- defining / Defining custom analyzers
- custom attributes
- defining / Defining custom attributes, How it works…
- custom Collector
- building / How to do it...
- custom FieldComparator
- sorting with / Sorting with custom FieldComparator, How it works...
- custom filter
- creating / Creating a custom filter, How to do it...
- CustomScoreQuery
- defining / CustomScoreQuery, How to do it…, How it works…
- custom TokenFilters
- defining / Defining custom TokenFilters, How it works…
- custom tokenizers
- defining / Defining custom tokenizers
- date resolution / Date resolution
- default operator / Default operator
- DirectoryReader
- used, for opening index in Near Real-Time / Using the DirectoryReader to open index in Near Real-Time, How it works...
- DisjunctionMaxQuery
- defining / DisjunctionMaxQuery, How it works…
- divergence from randomness model
- about / The divergence from randomness model
- implementing / Implementing the divergence from randomness model, How to do It…, How it works…
- DocIdSet
- about / Creating a custom filter
- document
- adding / Adding a document, How to do it..., How it works...
- deleting / Deleting a document
- updating / Updating a document, How to do it…
- document ID (called DocId) / How Lucene works
- document object per thread
- reusing / Reusing field and document objects per thread, How it works...
- documents
- adding, to index / Creating and writing documents to an index
- deleting / Deleting documents, How it works…
- documents, index
- defining / How it works…
- DocValue field
- creating / Creating a DocValue Field, How it works...
- DocValue types
- BinaryDocValues / Creating a DocValue Field
- NumericDocValues / Creating a DocValue Field
- SortedDocValues / Creating a DocValue Field
- SortedNumericDocValues / Creating a DocValue Field
- SortedSetDocValues / Creating a DocValue Field
- DSL (domain-specific language)
- about / Searching the index
- Eclipse IDE
- URL / Getting ready
- Elasticsearch
- about / Introduction
- obtaining / Getting Elasticsearch, How to do it...
- URL / Getting ready
- starting / How to do it...
- scaling / Scaling Elasticsearch, How to do it…, How it works…
- Elasticsearch-head plugin
- URL / There's more…
- Extract Transform Load (ETL) process / How Lucene works
- faceting
- performing / Performing faceting, How it works…
- benefits / Performing faceting
- implementing / Performing faceting
- Ferret
- URL / Some Lucene implementations
- field boost
- about / Introduction
- FieldCache
- used, for un-inverting single-valued fields in memory / Un-inverting single-valued fields in memory with FieldCache, How it works...
- about / Un-inverting single-valued fields in memory with FieldCache, Creating a custom filter
- FieldComparator
- defining / Sorting with custom FieldComparator
- field mappings
- predefining / Predefine field mappings, How to do it..., How it works....
- field norms
- delving into / Delving into field norms, How it works...
- Field object
- name / Creating a StringField
- type / Creating a StringField
- value / Creating a StringField
- field object per thread
- reusing / Reusing field and document objects per thread, How it works...
- fields
- creating / Creating fields
- formula, Lucene
- tf(t in d) / Introduction
- idf(t) / Introduction
- coord(q,d) / Introduction
- queryNorm(q) / Introduction
- t.getBoost() / Introduction
- norm(t,d) / Introduction
- computeNorm(FieldInvertState) / Introduction
- FSDirectory / Obtaining an IndexWriter
- fuzzy query / Fuzzy query
- FuzzyQuery
- defining / FuzzyQuery
- generational indexing, with TrackingIndexWriter
- about / Generational indexing with TrackingIndexWriter, How it works...
- geo-spatial search
- about / Exploring spatial search
- grouping
- implementing / Implementing grouping, How to do it…
- grouping implementations
- single-pass search / Implementing grouping
- two-pass search / Implementing grouping
- highlighting
- implementing / Implementing highlighting, How it works…
- HTTP PUT method
- using / How to do it…
- index
- about / Introduction
- searching / Searching the index, How it works...
- index-time join / Implementing joins
- and query-time join, comparing / Implementing joins
- IndexDeletionPolicy
- KeepOnlyLastCommitDeletionPolicy / Transactional commits and index versioning
- NoDeletionPolicy / Transactional commits and index versioning
- SnapshotDeletionPolicy / Transactional commits and index versioning
- PersistentSnapshotDeletionPolicy / Transactional commits and index versioning
- indexing / How Lucene works
- IndexReader
- about / Obtaining IndexReaders
- AtomicReader / Obtaining IndexReaders
- CompositeReader / Obtaining IndexReaders
- IndexReader attributes
- about / Introduction
- IndexReaders
- obtaining / Obtaining IndexReaders, How it works...
- IndexSearcher
- obtaining / Obtaining an IndexSearcher
- defining / IndexSearcher
- refreshing, SearcherManager used / Using the SearcherManager to refresh IndexSearcher, How it works...
- index segments
- about / Introduction
- index time boost
- about / Delving into field norms
- index versioning
- about / Transactional commits and index versioning, How it works...
- IndexWriter
- obtaining / Obtaining an IndexWriter, Obtaining an IndexWriter, How it works...
- information-based model
- about / The information-based Model
- implementing / Implementing the information-based model, How it works…
- inheritance / How Lucene works
- inverted index
- defining / Introduction
- Java
- download page / Getting ready
- Javadoc, Lucene
- URL / DisjunctionMaxQuery
- joins
- implementing / Implementing joins, How to do it…
- joins methods, types
- index-time join / Implementing joins
- query-time join / Implementing joins
- Kibana
- about / Introduction
- KinoSearch
- URL / Some Lucene implementations
- language model
- about / The language model
- implementing / Implementing the language model, How to do it…
- latency
- about / Performance tuning: latency and throughput, How to do it…, How it works…
- benefits / How to do it…
- lengthNorm
- about / Introduction
- Logstash
- about / Introduction
- lowercase expanded term / Lowercase expanded term
- Lucene
- about / Introduction, Introduction, Introduction
- three stage process flow / Introduction
- working / How Lucene works
- features / Why is Lucene so popular?
- wiki page, URL / Why is Lucene so popular?
- implementations / Some Lucene implementations
- installing / Installing Lucene, How to do it...
- official page / How to do it...
- URL / How it works...
- Lucene.Net
- URL / Some Lucene implementations
- Lucene4c
- URL / Some Lucene implementations
- LuceneKit
- URL / Some Lucene implementations
- Lucene QueryParser
- queries, creating with / Creating queries with the Lucene QueryParser
- Lupy
- URL / Some Lucene implementations
- Maven
- URL / How to do it...
- Maven repository
- URL / How to do it...
- Montezuma
- URL / Some Lucene implementations
- MultiPhraseQuery
- defining / PhraseQuery and MultiPhraseQuery
- URL / Some Lucene implementations
- Near Real-Time
- DirectoryReader used, for opening index in / Using the DirectoryReader to open index in Near Real-Time, How it works...
- Near Real-Time (NRT)
- about / Introduction
- new index
- creating / Creating a new index, How it works…
- NLucene
- URL / Some Lucene implementations
- node
- about / Scaling Elasticsearch
- norms
- calculating / Delving into field norms
- benefits / How it works…
- about / How it works…
- numeric field
- creating / Creating a numeric field, How it works...
- NumericRangeQuery
- defining / NumericRangeQuery
- Object Oriented Programming (OOP) / How Lucene works
- Okapi BM25
- about / The BM25 model
- OpenMode options
- APPEND / Obtaining an IndexWriter
- CREATE / Obtaining an IndexWriter
- CREATE_OR_APPEND / Obtaining an IndexWriter
- ordered tree data structure
- about / Creating a numeric field
- pagination
- about / Pagination, How it works...
- PerFieldAnalyzerWrapper
- using / Using PerFieldAnalyzerWrapper, How to do it…, How it works…
- example / Using PerFieldAnalyzerWrapper
- performance
- improving / How to do it…
- PhraseQuery
- defining / PhraseQuery and MultiPhraseQuery
- phrase slop / Phrase slop
- Plucene
- URL / Some Lucene implementations
- plugins, Elasticsearch
- URL / There's more…
- PointVectorStrategy / Exploring spatial search
- PositionIncrementAttribute
- using / Using PositionIncrementAttribute, How to do it..., How it works…
- precisionStep
- about / Creating a numeric field
- PrefixQuery
- about / PrefixQuery and WildcardQuery, How it works…
- PrefixTreeStrategy
- about / Exploring spatial search
- RecursivePrefixTreeStrategy / Exploring spatial search
- TermQueryPrefixTreeStrategy / Exploring spatial search
- PyLucene
- URL / Some Lucene implementations
- queries
- creating, with Lucene QueryParser / Creating queries with the Lucene QueryParser
- constructing / Constructing queries, How it works...
- Query / Creating queries with the Lucene QueryParser
- query-time join / Implementing joins
- and index-time join, comparing / Implementing joins
- Query DSL page, Elasticsearch
- URL / There's more…
- QueryParser
- searching with / Searching with QueryParser, How to do it..
- wildcard search / Wildcard search
- term range search / Term range search
- autogenerated phrase query / Autogenerated phrase query
- date resolution / Date resolution
- default operator / Default operator
- position increments, enabling / Enable position increments
- fuzzy query / Fuzzy query
- lowercase expanded term / Lowercase expanded term
- phrase slop / Phrase slop
- query time boost
- about / Delving into field norms
- RAMDirectory / Obtaining an IndexWriter
- ranking value
- about / How to do it…
- RegexpQuery
- defining / RegexpQuery
- RegExp syntax
- URL / RegexpQuery
- release
- about / Using the SearcherManager to refresh IndexSearcher
- relevancy ranking
- about / Introduction
- replica
- about / Scaling Elasticsearch
- results
- enumerating / Enumerating results, How it works…
- scoring
- about / Introduction
- scoring models
- BM25 model / The BM25 model
- language model / The language model
- divergence from randomness model / The divergence from randomness model
- information-based model / The information-based Model
- search
- performing / Performing a search, How it works…
- SearcherLifetimeManager
- search sessions, maintaining with / Maintaining search sessions with SearcherLifetimeManager, How to do it…, How it works…
- SearcherManager
- used, for refreshing IndexSearcher / Using the SearcherManager to refresh IndexSearcher, How it works...
- search result
- forming / Forming a search result, How it works...
- search sessions
- maintaining, with SearcherLifetimeManager / Maintaining search sessions with SearcherLifetimeManager, How to do it…, How it works…
- SerializedDVStrategy / Exploring spatial search
- sharding
- about / Scaling Elasticsearch
- similarity class
- overriding / Overriding similarity, How to do it…, How it works…
- Similarity class
- computeNorm / How to do it…
- computeWeight / How to do it…
- simScorer / How to do it…
- similarity implementation
- changing / Changing similarity implementation used during indexing, How to do it…
- similarity methods
- computeNorm(FieldInvertState) / Overriding similarity
- computeWeight(float, CollectionStatics, TermStatistics) / Overriding similarity
- coord(int, int) / Overriding similarity
- queryNorm(float) / Overriding similarity
- simScorer(Similarity.SimWeight, AtomicReaderContext) / Overriding similarity
- SimpleAnalyzer / How it works…
- simple Java Lucene project
- setting up / Setting up a simple Java Lucene project, How to do it...
- single-pass search
- defining / Implementing grouping
- single-valued fields, in memory
- un-inverting, with FieldCache / Un-inverting single-valued fields in memory with FieldCache, How it works...
- SnowballAnalyzer / How it works…
- Solr
- about / Introduction
- Sort class
- RELEVANCE / Specifying sort logic
- INDEX ORDER / Specifying sort logic
- SortedDocValues
- about / Creating a custom filter
- sort logic
- specifying / Specifying sort logic, How it works...
- SpanQuery
- defining / SpanQuery, How it works…
- SpanTermQuery / SpanQuery
- SpanNearQuery / SpanQuery
- SpanFirstQuery / SpanQuery
- SpanNotQuery / SpanQuery
- SpanOrQuery / SpanQuery
- SpanMultiTermQueryWrapper / SpanQuery
- FieldMaskingSpanQuery / SpanQuery
- SpanPositionRangeQuery / SpanQuery
- Spatial4j
- URL / There's more…
- spatial search
- exploring / Exploring spatial search, How to do it…, How it works…
- StandardAnalyzer / How it works…
- stemming
- about / Introduction
- StopAnalyzer / How it works…
- stopword filtering
- about / Introduction
- stopword removal
- about / Introduction
- StringField
- creating / Creating a StringField, How it works...
- Synonym Expansion
- about / Introduction
- Term
- about / Introduction
- TermQuery
- about / TermQuery and TermRangeQuery
- TermRangeQuery
- about / TermQuery and TermRangeQuery
- term range search / Term range search
- TermVectors
- about / TermVectors, How it works...
- retrieving from / TermVectors
- TextField
- creating / Creating a TextField
- text normalization
- about / Introduction
- TFIDF (term frequency and Inverse document frequency)
- about / Introduction
- TFIDFSimilarity
- about / Changing similarity implementation used during indexing, Introduction
- throughput
- about / Performance tuning: latency and throughput, How to do it…, How it works…
- token attribute interface
- CharTermAttribute / Getting ready
- PositionIncrementAttribute / Getting ready
- OffsetAttribute / Getting ready
- TypeAttribute / Getting ready
- FlagsAttribute / Getting ready
- PayloadAttribute / Getting ready
- TokenAttribute values
- obtaining / Obtaining TokenAttribute values, How to do it…, How it works…
- TokenFilter
- defining / Introduction
- TokenStream
- defining / Introduction
- obtaining / Obtaining a TokenStream
- transactional commits
- about / Transactional commits and index versioning, How it works...
- atomicity / Transactional commits and index versioning
- consistency / Transactional commits and index versioning
- isolation / Transactional commits and index versioning
- durability / Transactional commits and index versioning
- two-pass search
- defining / Implementing grouping
- example / How to do it…
- vector space model (VSM)
- about / Introduction
- vertical scaling
- about / Scaling Elasticsearch
- WildcardQuery
- about / PrefixQuery and WildcardQuery, How it works…
- wildcard search / Wildcard search
- Zend Search
- URL / Some Lucene implementations