Let's bring our test cluster up again and switch into superuser mode in Linux, so we don't have to keep prepending sudo to our commands.
Erasure-coded pools are controlled by the use of erasure profiles; these controls how many shards each object is broken up into including the split between data and erasure shards. The profiles also include configuration to determine what erasure code plugin is used to calculate the hashes.
The following plugins are available to use:
- Jerasure
To see a list of the erasure profiles, run the following command:
# ceph osd erasure-code-profile ls
You can see there is a default profile in a fresh installation of Ceph:

Let's see what configuration options it contains using the following command:
# ceph osd erasure-code-profile get default
The default profile specifies that it will use the Jerasure plugin with the...