Editing 360° footage in a regular timeline
Today, most 360° footage is reframed for output in a regular timeline. You’ll get many of the benefits of a 360° camera — it doesn’t need to be pointed at the subject, it can be placed in odd positions and still get the shot, and it’s always upright — but distribution is far simpler. At its base, this is really simple:
- Import your 360° footage as usual.
- Review your 360° footage with the 360° Viewer.
- Keyword and Rate your footage as usual.
- Create a regular Project, not a 360° Project. (You can close the 360° Viewer now.)
- Place and edit your clips within that timeline.
- For each 360° clip, reframe it with Orientation.
It’s that last point, Orientation, where we need to focus.
Understanding Orientation
Although Orientation is a very similar concept to the Reorient controls you’ll find in a native 360° Project...