Working with Microsoft Forms and Customer Voice
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Analyzing survey results involves evaluating the KPI score, identifying relevant key drivers for the KPI scores, and summarizing the text comments.
When analyzing survey results and KPI scores, how do you know whether the score is good? Ideally, you can compare your score with other organizations in your industry.
Forrester Research publishes an annual report of the NPS score for 250 brands across 14 industries (see https://www.forrester.com/report/Net+Promoter+Benchmarks+2020+US/-/E-RES162297). In addition, there are other organizations that are conducting surveys and compiling scores based on the same questions, so they can be benchmarked. In the United States, the American Customer Satisfaction Index (theacsi.org) compiles a customer satisfaction index across 50 industries and publishes the scores on their website.
For employee feedback, there are a few consortiums that share index scores among member organizations, among them...