There are many SaaS solutions available to distribute and to notify your users of new ad hoc releases. One of them is HockeyApp. You can use a (cURL) script to upload your signed APK or IPA file to HockeyApp. HockeyApp can also notify your users of the new build, and each version can contain release notes, for example, by adding a build step running this command:
curl -F "status=2" -F "notify=0" -F "ipa=@//TeamCity/buildAgent/work/<work folder>/app/build/outputs/apk/app-release.apk" -H "X-HockeyAppToken:<your hockey app token>"<app id>/app_versions/upload
Using HockeyApp, the landscape will look like this:

HockeyApp is a paid service, and it diminishes the provisioning profile hassle for the distribution of your iOS app. Fabric Beta is another service...